Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 60-64

Análise de perigos e pontos críticos de controle na produção de sanduíches em uma empresa de catering aéreo

Seiscentos, Laís de OliveiraMonteiro, Cristiane Schüler

The airline catering company is responsable for adapt the industrial kitchen production to the airline world, following all the rules in the higenical matter. This type of service may of fer modern equipments that not just increase the productivity but that follow the cleaning and disinfection process. The research objective was to evaluate the Hazard Analysis an Critical Control Points (HACCP) in hot and cold sanduiches in a company that works in the airline catering business. Different stages in the process were evaluated: cold sanduich - raw material reception, sanitation and slicing, hot preparation, sanduich preparation, expedition; hot sanduiches - raw material reception, hot preparation, sanduich preparation, expedition. After the analysis, they were found two critical control points (CCP) during the cold sanduiches manufacturing and one in the hot sanduiches manufacturing. The monitoring of the HACCP system should occur constantly to provide safety during production of sandwiches.(AU)