Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 25-33

Estudo eletrocardiográfico e clínico de felinos submetidos à anestesia dissociativa associada ao cloridrato de tramadol, com ou sem fornecimento de oxigênioterapia via máscara

Hirota, Inajara NakamuraSiqueira, Rafael CerântolaKubota, Tami AimeCedran, Camila FelixGomes, Rode PamelaBelluci, Renata dos SantosSilva Filho, Jorge Cardoso daFranco, Rodrigo Prevedello

The association of tiletamine withzolazepam (T/Z) is commonly used indissociative anesthesia in household pets.This combination induces short-durationsomatic analgesia, loss of voluntarymovements and myorelaxation caused bythe benzodiazepin, with stimulation of theardiovascular system and maintenance ofprotective reflexes. Due to the large use ofthis association in elective neutering offelines and its anesthetic properties, wechose to monitorize and identifyelectrocardiographic (ECG) and clinicalchanges during the anesthetic procedure,with and without oxygen supplementation.For this study, 20 female felines wererecruited. All animals were young adults,healthy, no specific breed. The subjectsunderwent clinical, laboratorial andelectrocardiographic evaluations prior toanesthesia. Tramadol hydrochloride wasgiven as Preanesthetic medicationfollowed by anesthesia with T/Z. Thefelines were randomly assigned to eitherGroup 1 (n=10), in which subjects receivedoxygen supplementation through maskduring the anesthetic procedure, or Group2 (n=10), in which subjects were notsupplemented with oxygen. Heart andrespiratory rates, systolic blood pressure, rectal temperature and pulse oxymetrywere monitored in all subjects from bothgroups. We also obtained recordings ofthe ECG tracing and derivations for eachanimal which were posteriorly evaluatedand interpreted. The results showedsignificant differences between the groupsin respiratory rate (G1 = 26,8 +/- 2,1 andG2= 38,5+/- 3,2) and pulse oxymetry (G1=97,3 +/- 2,4% and G2 = 91,2 +/- 1,1%).We also observed on the ECG recordingsdevelopment of periods of intermittent rightbranch blockage and S-T elevation in bothgroups. We therefore concluded that theECG recordings were identical in bothgroups despite oxygenotherapy; however,we observed an improvement in theclinical parameters in animals whoreceived oxygen supplementation viamask. (AU)

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