Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 125-136


, Alfieri

ABSTRACT Canine distemper is a systemic infection, frequently lethal in dogs. The canine distemper virus (CDV) causes a persistent infection of the central nervous system resulting in a progressive, multifocal demyelinating disease. In dogs, CDV infection can result in gastrointestinal and/or respiratory signs, frequently with central nervous system involvement. Myoclonus has been a common and characteristic sign observed in dogs with distemper encephalomyelitis. However, the nervous form of distemper may occur in the absence of myoclonus and systemic involvement. This review will point the clinical course and the neurological signs of nervous distemper, as well the clinical syndromes of CDV infection, neuropathology of acute and chronic demyelination, and diagnostic aids of CDV encephalomyelitis. Key words: dog, canine distemper virus, nervous distemper, encephalomyelitis. A FORMA NEUROLÓGICA DA CINOMOSE CANINA RESUMO A cinomose canina é uma infecção sistêmica, freqüentemente letal em cães. O vírus da cinomose canina (canine distemper virus - CDV) causa infecção persistente do sistema nervoso central, resultando em uma doença desmielinizante, progressiva e multifocal. Em cães, a infecção pelo CDV pode resultar em sinais gastrintestinais e/ou respiratórios, freqüentemente associados com sinais neurológicos. Mioclonia é um sinal comum e característico observado em cãe

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