Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 331-336

Assessing the ascorbic acid contents in beverages and powdered juices: comparison between the experimental data and the values displayed on the product label

Granato, DanielPiekarski, Flavia Vilas Boas WiecheteckMasson, Maria Lucia

The determination of ascorbic acid (AA) contents in beverages is a challenging and necessary task because consumers have to know the exact amount of this component in the product as displayed on the containerlabel. More over, the food industries have to add the exact (± 20%) quantity of ascorbic acid as it is statedon the label. This study aimed at evaluating 60 ready-to-drink beverages and powdered juices marketedin Curitiba (PR, Brazil). The results were compared with the values declared on the label, and in 76.7% of the samples no statistically similar values (p < 0.05) were found by comparing with those stated onthe packaging label. Moreover, the A A values found in this analysis were from 12 to 90% lower than those reported by manufacturers. For that reason, the ascorbic acid contents in these products should bemonito red by the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA). (AU)

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