Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 54-65

Manejo reprodutivo de centro de reprodução canina na Argentina

Somoza, RubénCusatti, Ana Clara

In order to carry out a canine breeding successful management, it is necessary to achieve high pregnancy rates, numerous litters and low rates of neonatal mortality, thus being able to wean as many puppies as possible. A thorough brood stock admission protocol should be carried out, including exhaustive sanitary controls (brucellosis, leptospirosis, herpesvirus), controls that allow us to corroborate an optimal health condition of the breeders (biochemical profile, thyroid hormones, vaginal culture). It is necessary to know the semen quality (spermogram) and the ovulation time (vaginal cytology, LH and progesterone assay, ovarian ultrasound, vaginoscopy) and perform the service by artificial insemination with the appropriate technique depending on whether it is fresh (vagina fundus) refrigerated or frozen (TCI) semen.(AU)

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