Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 462-464

Sensibilidade de cabras da raça Anglonubiana a infecção por verminose no periparto indicada pelo OPG

Soares, Francisco Felipe FerreiraBarros, Dayse AndradeSantos, Yulle Gabrielle PereiraLobão, Moara Matos deSantana, Misael das VirgensAlencar, Dalvan FortalezaMarques, Márdyla de SousaCampelo, José Elivalto Guimarães

The objective of this research was to evaluate the relationship of the infestation of gastrointestinalnematodes with the occurrence of peripartum in the angonubiana breed goats were divided into two age groups:Young goats <4 years old and Goats> 4 years. The set of information corresponds to the period from 2009 to2015 obtained from the Bank of UFPI the goat herd data, which is located in Teresina - PI. There was nosignificant difference in the samples taken during pregnancy (P > 0.05), although in the final third of the OPGtended to grow. Therefore, without significant evidence of peripartum express sensitivity of animals toparasitism. So in herd infected continues throughout the year tends to be little influence on the time of year in thegoat parasitism degree during pregnancy and lactation, regardless of age. However, does not imply inattentioncurative measures in the peripartum.(AU)

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