Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 644-646

Redução de gestação gemelar em égua Quarto de Milha

Sousa Junior, Valdeci Rodrigues DeFerreira, Siluana BenvindoFeitosa, Lauro César SoaresSousa, Gerlan Vieira DeBarros, George Miranda De SousaSouza, José Adalmir Torres De

Twin pregnancies are a serious problem due to the economic losses generated by high abortion rates,embryonic developmental failure with stillbirths and perinatal mortality, as well as a decrease in mare fertility,being considered an unusual event in veterinary medicine and presenting itself as Challenge to the veterinaryprofessional. In view of the above, this work reported the treatment adopted after the diagnosis of twinpregnancy in a mare, through the reduction of one of the embryonic vesicles through the ultrasound guidedmanual crushing technique. It is concluded that the crushing of one of the vesicles is an effective procedure inreducing twin pregnancy, especially when performed until the 15th day of gestation.(AU)

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