Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 620-621

Ocorrência de adenocarcinoma endometrial em Oryctolagus cuniculus (Linnaeus, 1758): Relato de caso

Bernal, Marcella Katheryne MarquesParedes, Laura Jamille ArgoloSilveira, Karina FerreiraMacedo, Breno Costa DeSilva, Leila Menezes DaMesquita, Ellen Yasmin EguchiRibeiro, Ana Silvia SardinhaPereira, Washington Luiz Assunção

Endometrial adenocarcinoma is often view in rabbits at older age, disabling them for reproduction. Thepresente work aim to report the occurrence of endometrial adenocarcinoma in Oryctolagus cuniculus, in the cityof Belém, Pará. The animal come to death and it was referred for the performance of its necropsy, thereproductive tract was fixed in formaldehyde to continue the histopathological examination. Grossly, it wasverified that the uterine horn exhibited a dilated segment, vascularised and with friable tissue. Microscopicallyit was noticed tubular pattern formation with luminal expansion, anisocytosis, anisonucleosis and low mitoticrates. Then, due to the pathological characteristics, it suggests an occurrence of endometrial adenocarcinomain rabbits.(AU)

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