Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 436-438

Meio de preservação à base de água de coco em pó (ACP-102c) é eficaz na manutenção da atividade mitocondrial de espermatozoides ovinos criopreservados

Castro, Bárbara Kelly Lima deCabral, Leonardo Alves RodriguesSantos, Bárbara Mara BandeiraBrito, Bruna FariasSantos, Maressa Holanda dosLima, David Baruc CruvinelSalgueiro, Cristiane Clemente de MelloNunes, José Ferreira

The study aimed to evaluate the mitochondrial activity of cryopreserved ram sperm preserved inmedium based on powdered coconut water (ACP-102c). Five sperm collections of two rams were held. Eachejaculate was divided into two treatments: T1 (ACP-102c+egg yolk+glycerol) and T2 (TRIS+eggyolk+glycerol). After dilution, the samples were filled into 0.5 ml straws, chilled to 4 °C and stabilized for 2 h.They were then frozen and stored in liquid nitrogen at -196°C. The activity mitochondrial of treatments wereevaluated in time 0h and post-thawing. Data were expressed as mean ± standard deviation and submitted to theShapiro-Wilk normality test and subsequently suffered angular transformation into arcsine of percentages. Theresults were considered significant when P < 0.05. There was no significant difference between treatments. Itwas concluded that ACP-102c was able to maintain mitochondrial activity pot-thawing.(AU)

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