Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 616-617

Frequência de ejaculação de ratos tratados com extrato etanólico de Senna spectabilis

Alencar, Dalvan FortalezaCelestino, Andressa De Carvalho Teixeira LimaMedeiros, Brenda Lurian Do NascimentoCarvalho, Marina SilvaSales, Paulo Alex BezerraSousa, Marina Rebeca Soares Carneiro DeOliveira, Jamylla Mirck Guerra DeCosta, Amilton Paulo Raposo

This study aimed analyse the effects of Senna spectabilis on ejaculatory frequency and copulatoryparameters of rats, getting some answers related to aphrodisiacs and adverse effects and potential influencers inthe sexual behavior of animals observed in some species of plants similar to Senna spectabilis. Were used 35Wistar ratos, being 28 with erectile dysfunction induced by paroxetine The ethanol extract of S. spectabilis(EESs) were administered in three different doses (250, 500 and 1000 mg/kg body weight) for seven consecutivedays. Then the rats were allocated in cages with female rats at estrus phase and the ejaculatory frequency wasnoted. The animals in this study showed no erection while they were on observation and no significantbehavioral change was observed, compared to the control group.(AU)

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