Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 264-266

Emprego de protocolo longo à base de progesterona para sincronização do estro de novilhas e vacas Girolando

Endo, Vitória YukiAlbuquerque, Karoline Antunes deMuniz, Maysa Ceci SoaresSantos Filho, Cícero Antonio dosBartolomeu, Cláudio Coutinho

This study evaluated the efficacy of a long term progesterone protocols associated with PGF2a andGnRH by measurement of follicular diameter (FD) in D14, D22 and D30; time between the end of treatment andthe onset of estrus and conception rate in groups of Girolando heifers and Girolando cows (N1 and N2, V1 andV2). On D30, the diameter of FD for the groups V1, V2, N1 and N2 was 13.3 ± 0,11mm, 13.8 ± 0.14 mm, 0.10mm and 13.7 ± 12.7 ± 0.49mm respectively. The time between the end of the treatment and the onset of estrus forthe groups V1, V2, and N1, N2 was 115,2hs, 103,2hs, 127,2hs, 129,6hs, respectively. Based on the results it canbe concluded that the protocols were efficient for obtaining a dominant follicle in the PGF2a application dayfavoring a good conception rate.(AU)

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