Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 538-540

Correlação entre os parâmetros espermáticos e dosagem de testosterona sérica em gatos

Magalhães, Francisco Felipe DeLima, David Baruc CruvinelCaldini, Bianca NunesSilva, Ticiana Franco Pereira DaSilva, Lúcia Daniel Machado Da

The objective of this study was to evaluate the quality of epididymal spermatozoa recovered fresh andits correlation with the serum testosterone. Sperm was recovered from 8 feline epididymis and evaluated formotility, vigor, functionality, viability, morphology and concentration. Blood samples were obtained fromvenipuncture, and the blood was placed in tubes and centrifuged, and the serum obtained was placed in tubesand transfered to freezer until processing. It was observed that the values from the sperm assessments wereaccording to the literature, the amount of testosterone concentration was lower than that seen in the literatureand we found that this hormone positively influences the motility and vigor and the percentage of normal spermis inversely proportional to the concentration of serum testosterone.(AU)

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