Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 632-634

Avaliação da viabilidade do sêmen bubalino congelado pelos métodos convencional e automatizado (resultados parciais)

Albuquerque, Rodrigo Dos SantosMorais, Rodrigo DeMaia, Tomaz PinaGonçalves, Fábio TrindadeSousa, Alysson Jorge De OliveiraSilva, Aluizio Otavio Almeida DaSousa, José Silva DeReis, Adriana Novaes Dos

In the Artificial Insemination it is essential to the use of frozen semen, which causes damage to thestructure of sperm. To avoid these cellular damage, there is a need to assess the viability of frozen semen buffaloby conventional and automated methods, and to predict which of the methods retrieve highest number of viablecells post-thawing. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of these two methods in buffalo semenfreezing. Semen was obtained from buffalo breeding and diluted in TES-TRIS. After semen freezing, the sampleswere evaluated for motility and vigor. There was no difference between the automated and conventionalmethods, respectively, for motility (67,5%±10 and 69,37±9,28), and the vigor (3,06±0,57 and 3,06±0,68).Therefore, it is concluded that the freezing methods are effective in cryopreservation the semen buffalo, however,it is suggested that more specific tests are performed to validate the protocols. (AU)

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