Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 498-499

Avaliação da condição reprodutiva das éguas “Baixadeiras” a campo

Coêlho, Laura Camelia BrandãoSantos, Gustavo VieiraSousa, Jordeano AraujoAbreu, Laine Fernanda Almeida DeSousa, Nilmara Leal DeChaves, Ricardo De MacedoMoraes Júnior, Felipe De Jesus

The objective was to evaluate the breeding conditions in which the mares raised in swamp region atNorth of Maranhão (Baixada). It was selected 40 randomly female in breeding age in which it was held rectaltouch for gestation diagnosis and with the aid of an ultrasound device was made, in mares empty, the evaluationof the ovaries, uterus and cervix to identify the phase of the estrous cycle and the presence of a possiblepathology.(AU)

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