Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 208-209

Associação entre o diâmetro folicular, no momento da retirada do implante de progesterona, e a taxa de ovulação de vacas após protocolo de sincronização

Corrêa, Renato PintoFranco, Atimaan da SilvaGonçalves, Fábio TrindadeMaia, Tomaz PinaVictor, Beatriz do AmaralSilva, Aluízio Otavio Almeida daReis, Adriana Novaes dosSousa, José Silva

The experiment was conducted at the Center of Biotechnology and Animal Reproduction (CEBRANUFPa),in the municipality of Castanhal, Pará State. The herd consisted of 24 crossbred cows with bodycondition score ranging between 2.5 and 3.5, divided randomly into 2 groups (G1 and G2) which were managedwith different protocols. G1 (D0-Be+P4 implant; D7-Pgf2; D9-measurement of the largest follicle + CE + eCG;D11- new measurement of FD and D15- verification of the presence or absence of CL and its measurement) G2(D0-Be + P4 implant, removal of implant D8 + FSH; D9- BE; D10-measurement of FD; D14- verification of thepresence of CL). Therefore, is possible the identification and selection of animals subjected to thesynchronization protocol for IATF.(AU)

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