Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 152-153

Importância da avaliação andrológica na seleção de reprodutores a campo

Peña Alfaro , C. E

The importance of the breeding soundness evaluation to improve the fertility of herds is described. With a cattle density of 205 million head, beef cattle in Brazil presents great economic importance, being the largest exporter and second largest producer of meat. This quantitative focus does not represent the reality on the productivity of herds, with observed rates low production and reproductive performance. The breeding soundness evaluation as a routine reproductive management, assumes an important role to aid to the selection of animals with normal genital systems, improving the fertility of the herd and contributes directly for diagnosis of reproductive diseases and condition of sexual and reproductive maturity of the bulls. The identification of markers of fertility in the semen with rapid tests, can contribute to the selection of bulls with better reproductive potential.(AU)

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