Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 7-12

Growth and reproduction hormones of ruminants subjected to heat stress

La Salles, Ana Yasha Ferreira deBatista, Luanna FigueirêdoSouza, Bonifácio Benicio deSilva, Aline Ferreira daCorreia, Érico Luiz de Barros

The adaptation of the animals, either temperate or tropical climate, is mainly related to physiology and its adaptation to the environment. When subjected to temperature and humidity different from the usual air, these animals found in heat stress difficulty reproduction and production. The endocrine system is one of those responsible for controlling the stress response, and rapid and appropriate growth is one of the elements of greatest economic importance toward meat production, and more producers want to improve, to accelerate the production rate and decreasing production costs. Thus, the aim of this review was to evaluate, through research papers found in the literature, the influence of heat stress on the hormones of growth and reproduction in ruminants. It was observed that even in studies that do not consider the productive performance of the animals, the influence of these parameters is significant in the ambience and the degree of adaptation of the same. However, more research should be conducted in order to evaluate the production of animals of different species under the conditions of different regions, as well as search for alternatives to achieve the best animal production levels, either by finding the best way of introducing exotic breeds, or the possibility of bringing more comfort to the animals in their various productive and reproductive stages.(AU)

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