Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 786-788

Requirements of the roost used by Spixs disk-winged Bat (Thyroptera tricolor)

Gabriela Solano-Quesada, MaríaSandoval, Luis

Thyroptera tricolor use rolled leaves of Heliconia spp. and Calathea spp. as ephemeral roosts. We study the characteristics of the roost-site by taking 13 measurements of the rolled leaves, and the vegetation composition immediately around it. Bats preferred to roost in leaves that were both narrow (small diameter in leaf mouth) and long. Also they used leaves with more abundance of closed, semi-open and open leaves of Heliconia sp., within a 5m radius around the leaf with bats. Probably they selected these leaves to roost because imply protection from weather conditions, and help to keep their body temperature constant. The abundance of opened leaves near the roost may keep away the bats from predators, since it could work as a long distance detector, transmitting predators movements. Moreclosed leaves around roost sites leaves could be finding new places for roosting the next day.