Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 70-73

The population structure of bats in the understory foraging areas: the use of systematic sampling to assess quantitative data

Jatkoske Lazo, LizieThadeu Zarate do Couto, Hilton

The sampling with mist nets is commonly used for bats inventories (Kunz and Kurta; 1988; Kunz et al. 1996; Esbérard 2006; Kunz et al. 2009) and was a real methodological revolution because favored obtaining information before inaccessible (Straube e Bianconi 2002), among which the possibility of the relative abundance expression (Kunz 1982, Kunz et al. 2009). However, success in obtaining quantitative data depends on factors related to sampling design (Barlow 1999).[...]