Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 289-290

Deslocamento de Artibeus fimbriatus sobre o mar

M. Costa, LucianaF.D. Prata, ÁgataMoraes, DéboraF.V. Conde, CarlaJordão-Nogueira, TássiaE.L. Esberárd, Carlos

In Brazil, even though the use of permanent marking methods in bats are rare, frugivorous bats are known to move, great distances both in the Amazonian savannas and in urban areas. In this study, the use of permanent marking enabled to observe that Artibeus fimbriatus flewacross 21.7 km of sea demonstrating a possible genic flow between islands and the continent. It is also suggested that these bats can move among more than 400 islands. Such observation reinforces the need to use definitive marking of captured animals to improve movement and dispersal data.