Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 735-742

Symbiotic potential and survival of native rhizobia kept on different carriers

Ruíz-Valdiviezo, Víctor ManuelCanseco, Lucía María Cristina VenturaSuárez, Luis Antonio CastilloGutiérrez-Miceli, Federico AntonioDendooven, LucRincón-Rosales, Reiner

<p>Native rhizobia are ideal for use as commercial legume inoculants. The characteristics of the carrier used to store the inoculants are important for the survival and symbiotic potential of the rhizobia. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of peat (PEAT), perlite sugarcane bagasse (PSB), carboxymethyl cellulose plus starch (CMCS), and yeast extract mannitol supplemented with mannitol (YEMM) on the survival, nodulation potential and N<sub>2</sub> fixation capacity of the native strains <italic>Sinorhizobium mexicanum</italic> ITTG R7<sup>T</sup> and <italic>Rhizobium calliandrae</italic> LBP2-1<sup>T</sup> and of the reference strain <italic>Rhizobium etli</italic> CFN42<sup>T</sup>. A factorial design (4 × 3) with four repetitions was used to determine the symbiotic potential of the rhizobial strains. The survival of the strains was higher for PEAT (46% for strain LBP2-1<sup>T</sup>, 167% for strain CFN42<sup>T</sup> and 219% for strain ITTG R7<sup>T</sup>) than for the other carriers after 240 days, except for CFN42<sup>T</sup> kept on CMCS (225%). All the strains kept on the different carriers effectively nodulated common bean, with the lowest number of nodules found (5 nodules) when CFN42<sup>T</sup> was kept on CMCS and with the highest number of nodules found (28 nodules) when ITTG R7<sup>T</sup> was kept on PSB. The nitrogenase activity was the highest for ITTG R7<sup>T</sup> kept on PEAT (4911 μmol C<sub>2</sub>H<sub>4</sub> per fresh weight nodule h<sup>−1</sup>); however, no activity was found when the strains were kept on YEMM. Thus, the survival and symbiotic potential of the rhizobia depended on the carrier used to store them.</p>.(AU)

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