Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 69-79

(Segunda ocorrência de Odontaspis noronhai (Maul, 1955)

SADOWSKY, VictorFerreira de AMORIM, AlbertoAlberto ARFELLI, Carlos

Nine specimens of Odontaspis noronhai (Maul, 1955) taken by longlines off the Southeastern coast of Brazil (24°S 44°W) in October, 1981 are recorded. Specimens used for identification were an adult male, 342 cm total length, and the head of another specimen calculated to be 360 cm long. The identification was based on the number, pattern, and arrangement of the teeth, and morphometrics. This is the first reported occurrence of the species since a single specimen caught in 1941, off Madeira Island, was described.

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