Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 24-40

A biotecnologia e o biodireito como estratégias de aperfeiçoamento na saúde a partir da tradução de um manual de traqueostomia em neopediatria

Cunha, Belinda Pereira daCosta, Nálbia Roberta Araujo daOliveira, Juliana Brandão dos Santos

The dignity of life become key contents in the middle of preventive medicine and the legal system in the Modern State. It must be ensured that life is understood as inherent to human nature and science provides techniques, procedures and advances in accordance with the law form the biolaw, biotechnology and bioethics. The progress of biotechnology causes restlessness originated in public misconceptions about the nature and uses of new research in this field should be evaluated in light of the burden of this suffering. Tracheostomy is an example of resources that can be used associating biotechnology for the benefit of the patient, is indicated to facilitate the arrival of air to the lungs when there is some obstruction in the natural way. We chose to use the translation using the Manual of Pediatric Trach Care for the UNC Health Care , established in 2002 by the medical team at the University of North Carolina , with a view to inform the scientific community , especially physiotherapists as well as family caregivers and the aspects of choosing a tracheotomy, so we prepared this translation to Portuguese language associated with the literature review, its association with the biolaw when determining early so the technique, minimizing physical risk and biologically to the child. Through this study, it can be noticed that the tracheotomy care directed at children in the United States are very individualized and that is of paramount way training and provision of information to carers, and the caregiver's manual an instrument of great value and distribution. Conducting further studies involving the right to life, and preventive medicine biolaw foster increasingly improved instrumentation, developing manuals and especially with higher technology allows for an increase in the quality and life expectancy of the population in pediatric due to a suitable hospital or home assistance. (AU)

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