Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 1238-1241

Estudo retrospectivo ecodopplercardiográfico das principais cardiopatias diagnosticadas em cães

Castro, M. GVeado, J. C. CSilva, E. FAraújo, R. B

A retrospective study was carried out to evaluate echodopplercardiographic examinations of 854 dogs referred to the service of echocardiography. This work presents the frequency of the main cardiopathies according to breed, gender, and presence of echocardiographic alterations. The valvular acquired disease was the most common cardiopathy (76.7%), mainly occurring in male dogs of small breeds. The dilated cardiomyopathy was the second more diagnosed cardiovascular pathology (9.8%), and most frequently noticed in male dogs of large or giant breeds. However, Cocker Spaniel breed also presented a high prevalence for this cardiopathy.(AU)

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