Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 184-186

The Profiles Of Cat And Dog Tutors Participating In A Pet Neutering Campaign

Silva, Filipi Alexandre do NascimentoLima, Dayanne Anunciação DantasLima, Wagner CostaQuessada, Ana MariaSilva, Jeferson Da CruzCamapum, Jaqueline Lustosa Rodrigues

The profiles of dog and cat tutors participating in a pet neutering campaign in Teresina (Piauí, Brazil) were evaluated using questionnaire surveys. The majority of participants were observed to be people with higher levels of educational attainment who mainly decided to neuter their animals to avoid unwanted pets, prevent access to the street, and prevent disease. There was no early neutering, which is desirable for disease prevention. The majority of participants were female, with more cats than dogs represented. It was concluded that the level of education of owners is a determinant in the health and welfare of their pets, demonstrating the need for educational campaigns.(AU)

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