Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

Tumor venéreo transmissível (TVT) nasal em cães

Conte, FernandaStrack, AdrianeBastos-Pereira, Amanda LeitePereira, Marcy Lancia

Background: Transmissible venereal tumors (TVT) are naturally occurring neoplasms that can be transmitted throughcopulation or cell transplantation. It is a disease that affects canines, has no preference for sex or breed, and generallynoticed in the external genital apparatus. Extragenital occurrence may eventually be seen; however, nasal involvementhas been described in only a few reports of studies conducted in Brazil. Therefore, the objective of this study is to report3 cases of nasal TVT in dogs who were treated in 2 municipalities in the mountainous region of Santa Catarina, Brazil.Cases: This case report includes 3 male mixed-breed canines of age 3-13. Only 1 of the animals was castrated. As per themedical history, some points, such as an enlarged nasal region, sneezing, nasal discharge, and hoarseness, reported by thedogs’ respective owners were similar among all the dogs. Likewise, nosebleed was observed on physical examination inall the cases. The result of cytological examination was inconclusive only in 1 case. Rhinoscopy, incisional biopsy, andhistopathological examination were then performed for achieving a definitive diagnosis. In the 2 cases wherein cytologygave conclusive results, the cytological smears showed changes suggestive of TVT, such as cells with eccentric nuclei andlittle cytoplasm, which had vacuoles inside them. In 2 cases, radiographic examinations of the skull were also performed.The images showed changes in bone radiopacity, conformation of trabeculae with areas of bone lysis and cell proliferation,and irregularity in the contour of the nasal bone. After TVT diagnosis was confirmed, chemotherapy was initiated usingvincristine at a dose of 0.75 mg/m2 for 2 cases and 0.025 mg/kg for the remaining case...(AU)

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