Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

Enostose múltipla em equino puro sangue de corrida

Raimundo, Bruna Patrícia SiqueiraVeiga, Carlos Eduardo Martins de OliveiraBastiani, Grasiela DeJacobsen, Tainã Kuwer

Background: Enostosis like lesions are characterized by areas of intramedullary sclerosis affecting the long bones andtheir presence in any cases may be not associated with lameness. It has a migratory characteristic and, therefore there isthe occurrence of lameness at different sites from the initial lesion. Its etiology is speculative and has been attributed tointraosseous increased pressure, of Havers’ canals compression, stimulation of unmyelinated fibers and circulating plateletaggregates. Diagnosis is made through nuclear scintigraphy and associated with radiographic examination. This paperaims to report a clinical case on the use of scintigraphy for the reference diagnosis of enostosis-type injury and treatmentthrough surgical bone decompression.Case: A 2-year-old thoroughbred mare, weighing 483 kg, with a history of acute lameness of the left pelvic limb associatedwith the no previous signs of trauma and no noteworthy changes in radiographic and ultrasound images, was referred to theHorse Center Veterinary Clinic. In the examination of the locomotor system, the animal presented a 2/5 degree lamenessin a straight line, with accentuated exacerbation of the same after flexion of the left femoro-tibio-patellar joint. In addition,presented a reduction in the caudal phase of the stride and croup asymmetry associated with mild myopenia. The findingsof the scintigraphic exam characterized by intense focal area of hyperconcentration of medullary radiopharmaceutical inthe proximal third of the right third metatarsal, and multiple areas of hyperconcentration in the aspect proximal to thedistal third of the left tibia. In the radiographic images, multifocal radiopaque regions that coincided with the areas ofradiopharmaceutical hyperconcentration were observed. The initial treatment was based on rest, use of non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs and acetylsalicylic acid. In the 60 days...(AU)

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