Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

Dermatopatia isquêmica juvenil em um cão

Cousandier, GabrielaScholten, Ariane DamianiScotton, GiseleStefanello, Carine

Background: Juvenile-onset ischemic dermatopathy is a rare dermatosis in dogs. Reports on this condition are scarce inthe literature, and its pathogenesis is poorly understood. This disease consists of a set of alterations that exhibit similarclinical and histological characteristics, and which are associated with cutaneous vasculopathic processes. Consequently,this case report describes the clinical case of a dog diagnosed with juvenile-onset ischemic dermatopathy.Case: A 9-month-old female mongrel dog exhibited significant tegumentary alterations, while other contact animals (siblingsand mother) did not. The patient history did not contain a complete record of vaccines, and included previous therapeuticfailures. A general skin examination revealed the presence of erythematous lesions containing crusts and erosions associated with extended areas with alopecia, especially in the ears, nose, and tail. Therefore, skin cytology and a parasitologicalexamination of the skin and cerumen were performed. These tests revealed the presence of neutrophilic inflammatoryprocess, bacterial inflammation, and various yeast-like structures compatible with Malassezia sp. The parasitological examination of the cerumen revealed the presence of numerous mites of the Otodectes cynotis species. Consequently, the dogreceived a treatment that included amoxicillin with potassium clavulanate, itraconazole, therapeutic baths with a shampoocontaining chlorhexidine and miconazole, and an antiparasitic medication containing sarolaner, which was administeredonce every 35 days. Thirty days later, the patient returned with a significant improvement of the lesions, except those inthe ears and tail; consequently, material from these two body areas was submitted to histopathological examination, andadditional tests were performed to allow differential diagnosis. The histopathological report indicated the existence of...(AU)

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