Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

Surto de Pasteurelose por Pasteurella multocida tipo A em coelhos (Oryctolagus cuniculus)

Santiani, FabioHenker, Luan CleberSchwertz, Claiton IsmaelLorenzett, Marina PaulaOliveira Filho, João Xavier deMorés, Marcos Antonio ZanellaMendes, Ricardo EvandroCasagrande, Renata Assis

Background: Pasteurellosis is a common disease of cattle, pigs, and poultry, which rarely affects humans. In rabbits, therespiratory presentation of the disease is frequently reported. Clinical signs related to bronchopneumonia include sneezing, lung stertors, oculonasal discharge, dyspnea and cyanosis. Infection may lead to otitis, conjunctivitis, abscesses andsepsis. Furthermore, Pasteurella multocida infection may lead to sudden death without clinical manifestations. Reports ofpasteurellosis in rabbits are scarce in Brazil. Therefore, the objective of this article is to describe an outbreak of pasteurellosis with high mortality in a rabbity in the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil.Cases: Two adult rabbits were submitted for necropsy at the Veterinary Pathology Laboratory of the Instituto Federal Catarinense- Campus Concórdia, within an interval of twenty days. Herd was represented by 40 animals, of which six fattening rabbits andthree breeders died. Animals were kept in suspended cages with slatted floor. Clinical signs were represented by prostration,sneezing, and mucopurulent nasal discharge. In addition, wounds were observed in the distal portion of the limbs. Death occurredup to two days after the onset of clinical signs. Necropsies were performed and tissue samples were collected for histopathologic,immunohistochemical and microbiologic (bacterial culture and antibiogram) exams. At the necropsy, severe diffuse fibrinousexudate covering the pericardium sac, visceral and parietal pleural surfaces was noted, as well as multiple diaphragm adhesions.In addition, the lungs presented diffuse red coloration and showed multiple abscesses ranging from 0.3 to 1cm in diameter. Thenasal sinus and the tracheal mucosa showed diffuse reddening (rabbits 1 and 2). Abscesses up to 2 cm in diameter were observedin the mammary glands (rabbit 1), heart and kidneys (rabbit 2). The urinary bladder...(AU)

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