Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

Parasitismo por Dioctophyma renale em cão: aspectos clínico-cirúrgico

Pizzinatto, Fábio DumitFreschi, NathaliaSônego, Dábila AraújoStocco, Matias BassinelloDower, Nathalie Moro BassilMartini, Andresa de CássiaSouza, Roberto Lopes de

Background: Dioctophimosis is a parasitic disease caused by Dioctophyma renale, more commonly known as “giantKidney worm,” and can be found in other organs or free in the abdominal cavity, which is related to the patient’s eatinghabits. Most of the animals affected are asymptomatic. The diagnosis is made through ultrasonography, finding eggs ofthe parasite in the urine, or necropsy. The treatment of choice is nephrectomy of the affected kidney. We aimed to reportthe accidental diagnosis of parasitism by D. renale in an 8-year-old dog, which was surgically treated by nephrectomy ofthe right kidney after evident destruction of the renal parenchyma on ultrasonography.Case: An 8-year-old Boxer female dog underwent a physical examination and showed a mass in the region of the left caudal thoracic breast, bilateral alopecia on flanks, and purulent ocular secretions. Laboratory tests of complete blood count(CBC) and serum biochemical profile, X-ray examination, and ultrasonography were requested. Anemia was observedon the erythrogram, and enzymes (creatinine, urea, alanine aminotransferase [ALT], and albumin) were within normallimits. There were no abnormalities on X-ray examination, and abdominal ultrasonography showed slight splenomegaly,enlarged left kidney, reduced corticomedullary region, measuring approximately 7.63 cm longitudinally. In the rightkidney, loss of the renal parenchyma, measuring approximately 5.49 cm in diameter and the presence of a cylindrical androunded structure, typical of D. renale infection. After this, a urinalysis was suggested, which revealed the presence ofthe helminthic eggs, confirming the diagnosis. The owner was informed about the need for nephrectomy of the affectedkidney as treatment. The kidney showed destruction of the renal parenchyma. A single parasite was removed, measuringapproximately 46 cm in length. The patient was successfully treated and was hospitalized for...(AU)

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