Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 1-4

Obstrução gástrica parcial por caroço de cajarana (Spondias cytherea sonn) em filhote de cão - técnicas de imagem para diagnóstico

Freitas, Maisa Oliveira deSousa, Carmen Vládia Soares deMagalhães, Francisco Felipe deAntunes, João Marcelo Azevedo de PaulaPeixoto, Gislayne Christianne Xavier

Background: Ingestion of foreign bodies is one of the most common cases seen among puppies of dogs in the medical clinics of small animals which may be related to their curious behavior. The diagnosis is based on the patient’s history, clinical signs, and complementary diagnostic imaging tests. The present case report describes the use of complementary imaging tests, showing a partial gastric obstruction caused by cajarana (Spondias cytherea Sonn) in a puppy.Case: At the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal Rural University of the Semi-Arid Region, a 4-month-old male Yorkshire dog was treated. The guardian reported having witnessed the ingestion of a cajarana stone by the animal. During the physical examination, the animal was active, with good nutritional status, normocorated mucosae, and a moderate degree of dehydration, besides a slight pain on palpation in the epigastric region. Hematological examinations included blood counts, blood urea, creatinine, and alkaline phosphatase. A moderate degree of polycythemia was observed, which may be explained by the dehydration caused by the episodes of vomiting. The patient had frequent episodes of vomiting after the reported event and was then referred to the diagnostic imaging sector. During the sonographic examination, a concave echogenic interface associated with a posterior acoustic shadowing was observed in the region of the stomach. The animal was sent for simple radiographs and positive contrast based on barium sulfate due to the suspicion of the presence of a foreign body. On simple radiography, in the left laterolateral view, a little radiopaque structure of circular format with poor definition was observed in the pyloric region. After the simple radiography, approximately 10 mL of barium sulfate contrast was administered orally followed by a new left lateral radiographic imaging.[...](AU)

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