Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 1-6

Broncopneumopatia eosinofílica em cães

Ferian, Paulo EduardoLuciani, Marilia GabrielaSalbego, Fabiano ZaniniFonteque, Joandes HenriqueVolpato, JulietaBiezus, GiovanaLunardeli, BrunoMüller, Thiago Rinaldi

Background: The eosinophilic bronchopneumopathy (EBP) is characterized by pulmonary infiltration with eosinophils. The etiology of canine EBP remains unclear, although hypersensitivity to aeroallergens is suspected. Dogs affected are usually young. The persistent cough is the most common clinical sign, often associated with respiratory difficulty and exercise intolerance. The diagnosis is based on signalment, radiographic and bronchoscopic findings, and the tissue eosiphilic infiltration demonstrated by cytology of bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL). No reports were found in Brazil. The aim of this paper is report four cases of canine BPE, with emphasis on clinical aspects, diagnosis and therapy.Cases: Case 1. A 18-month-old female dog with 12 kg of body weight was presented for consultation with a 60-day history of cough, inappetence and weariness. It presented cough and tachypnea. The complementary exams demonstrated peripheral eosinophilia, bronchointersticial pulmonary pattern on radiography, moderate amount of mucus on bronchoscopy and tissue eosinophilis infiltration on the BAL. The treatment was based on steroids, with improvement of clinical signs. Case 2. A 24-month-old female dog with 16 kg of body weight was presented for consultation with one-year history of cough, inappetence and lethargy. It presented only cough, and in complementary exams showed transitory peripheral eosinophilia, bronchointersticial pattern on radiography and predominantly eosinophilic inflammation on citology of BAL. The therapy was based on steroids, with improvement followed by worsening of signs, with need of readjustment of doses. Case 3. A 8-year-old male dog with 6.2 kg of body weight was presented for consultation with 3-weeks history of productive cough, vomiting and weight loss. The complementary exams showed peripheral eosinophilia, bronchointersticial pulmonary pattern on radiography and eosinophils infiltration on cytology of BAL.[...](AU)

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