Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 01-07

Efeito da administração via oral de selênio e vitamina E na qualidade do sêmen fresco, refrigerado e congelado em cães da raça Bulldog Francês

Chacur, Marcelo George Mungaide Souza, Mariana Grandis RipariSouza, Camila Dutra deCremasco, Camila Pires

Background: New methodologies have been developed seeking to maximize pregnancy rate in female dogs created in commercial kennels, and also in order to maintain the quality of canine semen after dilution, refrigeration or freezing. One of the main factors that generate damage to sperm is oxidative stress, to minimize sperm damage, selenium and antioxidants like vitamin E are administered, by oral administration, seeking to improve the quality of semen. The objective was to study the effect of vitamin E and selenium, by oral administration, in the quality of fresh, refrigerated and frozen semen in adult dogs French Bulldog breed. Materials, Methods & Results: Semen samples were collected from 5 adult dogs, French Bulldog breed, being 2 semen drawing before the daily oral supplementation with vitamin E and selenium (ESE®) and semen drawing at 20, 40 and 60 days after the beginning of oral supplement. The ejaculated samples were diluted in TRIS - fructose citric acid (3.28 g TRIS-hydroxy-methyl-amino-methane, 1.78 g of citric acid monohydrate and 1.25 g of D - fructose, dissolved in 100 mL of distilled water and added of 20% egg yolk and 6% of glycerol. The characteristics evaluated in fresh semen were: volume (mL), color, appearance, concentration (x106 / mL), sperm motility (%), sperm strength (1 to 5) and morphology (%). For refrigerated and frozen semen were analyzed: [...](AU)

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