Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 01-07

Sistematização, descrição e território da artéria cerebral média na superfície do cérebro em tartaruga (Trachemys scripta elegans)

Voll, JulianaCampos, Rui

Background: Trachemys scripta elegans, in Brazil, has been considered an exotic and invasive turtle; it competes with autochthon species for habitat and food, threatening biodiversity. These animals have been exported to Brazil as pets; however, despite of the commercial interest in the last years, there are only few reports about the turtle central nervous system vascularization. Therefore, this study had the objective to describe and systematize the middle cerebral artery at the brain surface of the turtle (Trachemys scripta elegans), determining a standard model of irrigation and the main ramifications and territory, in this species. Materials, Methods & Results: Thirty turtles received pre-anesthetic medication composed of ketamine (80 mg/kg) and midazolam (2 mg/kg) followed by euthanasia with a sodium thiopental (100 mg/kg) overdose. The aortic arches were cannulated through the single ventricle, the cranial cava veins were incised and the vascular system washed with saline solution and heparin, and then filled with latex. Pieces remained immersed in running water and a bone window was opened in the cranial vault. Samples were fixed with formaldehyde and each brain with a spinal cord segment was removed from the cranial vault, the duramater was removed and the arteries dissected. Results were recorded and it was observed that the middle cerebral artery, collateral [...](AU)

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