Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 01-05

Adenoma tireoidiano ectópico no mediastino associado a quilotórax em uma gata

Carvalho dos Santos Cunha, SimoneVallim Jacobina Cavalcanti, Jacqueline

Background: The most common abnormality associated to hyperthyroidism in cats is functional adenomatous hyperplasia. It might be present anywhere from the base of the tongue caudally to within the thoracic cavity, or even intrapericardial. Scintigraphic and computed tomography are useful imaging modalities to determine the location of hyperfunctioning thyroidal tissue. In cats, chylothorax can occur with several underlying disease processes, including congestive heart failure, mediastinal mass, heartworm infection and trauma, however it is commonly idiopathic. The aim of this study was to report the fi rst case of chylothorax caused by intramediastinal ectopic thyroid adenoma in a cat. Case: A 19-year-old spayed domestic shorthair female cat was presented with diffi culty breathing, dyspnea and hiporexia. The animal had history of chronic kidney disease, recurrent urinary tract infections and infl ammatory bowel disease, and had been receiving prednisolone and ceftiofur. Lung auscultation revealed silence on both Hemithorax and cardiac auscultation revealed reduced noise. Thoracic radiographs were performed, which revealed severe pleural effusion. Bilateral thoracocentesis was performed to avoid respiratory failure, and the fl uid obtained was sent for cytological and biochemical examinations, which revealed the presence of chylothorax. Laboratory investigation including blood

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