Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

Effect of hyperbaric oxygenation on random rat skin flaps vascularization

Rech, Fabricio ValandroSimões, Ricardo SantosPires, Jefferson AndréFlorêncio-Silva, RinaldoFagundes, Djalma José

Purpose: To evaluate the effect of hyperbaric oxygenation (HBO) on angiogenesis in random rat skin flaps, by immunoexpression of vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF-A). Methods: Forty adult rats were divided into four groups: GE) epilated; GE/HBO) epilated subjected to HBO; GER) epilated submitted to dorsal skin flap; GER/HBO) epilated subjected to dorsal skin flap + HBO. HBO was performed with rats inside a chamber under atmosphere close to 100% oxygen and pressure of 2.4 absolute atmospheres, 2h per day during seven consecutive days. GE and GER groups were placed in the hyperbaric chamber without HBO. Then, under anesthesia, skin flaps were removed and separated into three portions relative to pedicle fixation. The samples were fixed in formalin and processed for paraffin embedding. Histological sections were submitted to immunohistochemistry for VEGF-A detection. The number of immunostained-blood vessels were counted under light microscopy. Results: GE and GE/HBO groups showed normal and similar skin morphology in the three flap portions. A fibrin-leukocyte crust, along with denatured collagen and intense leukocyte infiltrate, was mainly observed in the dermis of the medial and distal flap portions of GER group. Meanwhile, the GER/HBO group presented more regions with intact collagen and small areas of leukocyte infiltrate in the three flap regions. VEGF-A-immunostained blood vessels were largely seen in all regions of GE and GE/HBO groups, whereas no significant differences were found between these groups. A decrease in vascularization was noticed in GER and GER/HBO groups, which was more evident in the most distal portion of the flaps. However, the number of VEGF-A-immunostained blood vessels in GER/HBO group was significantly higher when compared to GER group. Conclusions: Hyperbaric oxygenation was associated with increased angiogenesis and improved viability of rat skin flaps.(AU)

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