Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

p. 20-24

Mudanças no volume e histologia do foco de endometriose em ratas tratadas com óleo de Copaíba (Copaiferalangsdorffii)

Nogueira Neto, JoãoLindoso, Márcio Jorge de SouzaCoelho, Laura FernandesCarvalho, Rafael Antonio FreireRodrigues, Taciana Gabrielle Pinheiro de MouraAraújo, Ana Gisélia Portela deGirão, Manuel João Batista CasteloSchor, Eduardo

PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to analyze the changes that occur in rats with experimental endometriosis after treatment with copaiba oil. METHODS: Experimental endometriosis was induced in rats. The experimental group received copaiba oil (Copaiferalangsdorffii) orally (0.63 mg/day), and the control group received a 0.9 percent sodium chloride solution orally (1 ml/100 g of body weight/day). Both groups were treated with gavage for 14 days. After this period, the animals were euthanized, and the implant volume was calculated. The autologous transplants were removed, dyed with hematoxylin-eosin, and analyzed by light microscopy. RESULTS: The average final volumes were significantly different between the groups (p=0.007). There was a significant increase (p=0.012) between the initial and final volumes in the control group, whereas treatment with Copaiferalangsdorffii caused a marked reduction in endometrial growth over time (p=0.016). Histologically, 6/11 (55.00 percent) rats in the experimental group had a well-preserved epithelial layer, and 3 (45.00 percent) had mildly preserved epithelium. The control group had seven cases (58.30 percent) of well-preserved epithelial cells and five cases (41.70 percent) of mildly preserved epithelial cells (p>0.05). CONCLUSION: Copaiba oil (Copaiferalangsdorffii) appears to be a promising alternative treatment for endometriosis.(AU)

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