Periódicos Brasileiros em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia

Emprego de macrofitas aquáticas ("Matupá") como fonte de matéria orgânica na cultura de feijão-de-asa (Psophocarpus tetragonobus), em Manaus

Noda, HiroshiJ. Junk, Wolfgangejo Alejo Alejo Alejo

Summary An experiment was performed to test the productivity of winged bean. Seeds were sown in december on yellow oxyssol (latossolo amarelo) with the addition of organic matter in the form of vegetable and fruit refuse (229 t/ha fresh weight = 60 t dry weight), chicken manure (217 t/ha fresh weight = 115 t dry weight) and "matupá" (561 t/ha fresh weight = 69 t dry weight) with and without lime (2 t/ha). Matupá is formed by decomposed plants from the surface of the rivers or from the top layer of sediments of the lakes in the Solimões river basin. Matupá and the refuse with lime proved to be the best treatments, yelding 7846 Kg/ha and 6713 Kg/ha respectively, compared to chicken manure (4370 Kg/ha) and unfertilized soil (337 Kg/ha).

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